Ace Dental Group is proud to offer tooth extractions to our patients. There are many reasons why you may need an extraction. Some teeth are too diseased or damaged to try to save. There are also times when we have to remove teeth because your mouth is too crowded for all of your teeth.
Ace Dental Group is proud to offer tooth extractions to our patients. There are many reasons why you may need an extraction. Some teeth are too diseased or damaged to try to save. There are also times when we have to remove teeth because your mouth is too crowded for all of your teeth.
Besides giving you a better smile, dental implants can help with good dental health. Food, plaque, and bacteria build up easily when you have missing teeth. You may also have trouble cleaning the area, and many people end up developing cavities and other dental problems. Dental implants can also make it easier to eat and speak.
Dental implants are basically used as roots (and a base) for any artificial teeth that will be placed in your mouth. If you didn’t have implants, your artificial teeth will be weak, and you may end up losing them.
Your mouth may be a bit sore for a few days, though if you have a lot discomfort, we can discuss pain medications that may help. We do not recommend smoking, drinking with a straw, or eating certain foods because they may bother your mouth. You will have to be extra careful when brushing your teeth. You should contact us if you have any problems after surgery, especially if you notice any swelling.
If you think you may need an extraction, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (562) 253-0085.